Maximum File Size: 30MB (Large files can take a few minutes to load)
Preview Pane: Only JPG, GIF and BMP files will provide a preview on the product page
Frequently Asked Questions
1) An error saying "wrong file type" has appeared, what does this mean?
"Wrong file type" error message can mean either the file type is not an accepted file type for upload, or that the file size exceeds the maximum file size allowed.
You could try to copy you image into a drawing or word processing program and try to re-save as in an accepted format. You could also compress the file using a zip program to reduce the file size.
If these options don't resolve the issue, you are welcome to provide an assistance request using the form on the "Contact Us" page of this website. We will be happy to work with you to find a way to have your image be provided and allow you to complete your order.
2) I have uploaded my file, but I can't view the image and I am unsure if it has loaded correctly. How do I check?
Only BMP, GIF and JPG file formats are able to be displayed in the preview pane on the product page.
What will occur if your image has successfully uploaded, regardless of the file type, is that the file name and file size will be displayed in the Upload field. You will also be able to "add to cart" if the image has successfully uploaded.
Any image type can be viewed by clicking on the file name in the cart itself.
So if not previewed, we suggest adding to the cart (after filling in any text you would like on your crystal), and then viewing the cart. Find the file name in the description field in the cart and click on this file name. Your image should be displayed regardless of format type.
If these options don't resolve the issue, you are welcome to provide an assistance request using the form on the "Contact Us" page of this website. We will be happy to confirm if your image has uploaded successfully, and to help find a solution if an issue remains.